The antibody has a proven strong biotin-streptavidin/HRP staining at 1/1,000-1/1,200 dilution in rat globus pallidus and amygdala. Staining is completely eliminated by pretreatment with 100 µg of methionine enkephalin per mL of diluted antiserum. Pretreatment with 100 µg of leucine enkephalin only partially blocks staining.
Photo Description: High magnification of the globus pallidus with nickel preparation (above) and low magnification IHC image of methionine encephalin staining in the globus pallidus and amygdala for the rat brain (below). The tissue was fixed with 4% formaldehyde in phosphate buffer, before being removed and prepared for vibratome sectioning. Floating sections were incubated at RT in 10% goat serum in PBS, before standard IHC procedure. Primary antibody was incubated at 1:2000 for 48 hours, goat anti-rabbit secondary was subsequently added for 1 hour after washing with PBS. Light microscopy staining was achieved with standard biotin-streptavidin/HRP procedure and DAB chromogen.
Quantity / Volume: 100 µL
State: Lyophilized Whole Serum
Reacts With: Astyanax Jordani (Fish), Bird, Blowfly, Bovine, Bullfrog, Cat, Chick, Chicken, Cockroach, Cod, Crab, Dog, Fish, Frog, Gerbil, Goldfish, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Human, Lamprey, Leech, Lymnaea Stagnalis (Snail), Manducta Sexta (Moth), Monkey, Mouse, Octopus, Parrot, Pig, Pigeon, Rabbit, Rana Esculenta (Frog), Rana Pipiens (Leopard Frog), Rana Temporaria (Frog), Rat, Ratfish, Salamander, Salmon, Sea Bass (Fish), Shrew, Squirrel Monkey, Starling, Tapeworm, Turtle, Zebra Finch
Availability: In Stock
Alternate Names: Enkephalin (Met); Proenkephalin-A; Met-enkephalin; Opioid growth factor; OGF, anti-Methionine Enkephalin, Met Enk
Gene Symbol: PENKRRID: AB_572250
Database Links:
Entrez Gene:281387BovineEntrez Gene:768277CatEntrez Gene:421131 ChickEntrez Gene:100687307 DogEntrez Gene:548461 FrogEntrez Gene:100379621 Guinea PigEntrez Gene:101844627HamsterEntrez Gene:5179 HumanEntrez Gene:696649MonkeyEntrez Gene:18619 MouseEntrez Gene:100152093PigEntrez Gene:102088743 PidgeonEntrez Gene:100342780 RabbitEntrez Gene:29237 RatEntrez Gene:100196814 SalmonEntrez Gene:101552431 ShrewEntrez Gene:106851221 StarlingEntrez Gene:102933698 TurtleEntrez Gene:100190068 Zebra Finch